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Where do blankets come from?

In addition to the dozens of blanket makers who are part of a blanket-making group we have Blanketeers well into their nineties who can no longer drive but are still able to knit or crochet. They also creatively find ways to get yarn and see that their 
lovingly made blankets find their way to the chapter.  
We give thanks to them and to the family members and friends 
who assist them in their mission. 
Scroll down to see a list of groups we know about. 

There are even family members and friends who live clear across the country and give us the fruits of their labors because there is no chapter convenient to them.  
School programs, groups and individual sometimes choose Project Linus as their Service Project, and business owners open their stores to sponsor Make-A-Blanket days. 
​Blankets come in the mail from as far away as Tennessee. They come from people right here in New Mexico but don't live near a chapter - but they find a way to get them to us. When the heart is moved by the desire to gift a hurting child with warmth, security and love the blanket shows up.

Groups that donate to Project Linus

If you have a group with a Project Linus focus and would like to be on this list contact 
Sue at jkelly7112@aol.com.
(all phone numbers are in area code 505 unless otherwise specified)

  • Bear Canyon Senior Center; 4645 Pitt St NE; 767-5959; Knit/Crochet group meets on Monday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 in room 5.
  • Brookdale Place; 300 Valencia SE; closed group, must be a resident. 
  • Material Girls Quilting Group; Manzano Mesa MultiGenerational Center, 501 Elizabeth St SE; 2nd Saturday of the month; contact Darline at 284-8340 or Pat at 884-7142
  • Manzano del Sol - 303 San Mateo Blvd,  closed group, must be a resident.
  • Palo Duro Senior Center, 5221 Palo Duro Ave NE, 888-8102; Knit/Crochet Group meets Wednesdays from noon to 2pm
  • Palo Duro Tuesday's Angels; 5221 Palo Duro Ave NE, 888-8102; meets on Tuesday mornings from 8:30 to 11:30.  This group makes all sorts of gifts for people who are hospitalized or in child or adult daycare facilities.  Even if you don't sew drop in and see how you can become an Angel; new members always welcome.
  • Shepherd of the Valley Church, 1801 Montano NW; meets on the 2nd Monday morning of the month; contact Beth at 263-3572
These are just a few of the hundreds of Blanketeers who provide gifts of warmth, comfort, security and love to the children served by our chapter. 
The  Origins of Project Linus
On Christmas Eve, 1995, an article titled “Joy to the World” appeared in Parade Magazine. It was written by Pulitzer Prize winning photo-journalist, Eddie Adams. Part of the article featured a petite, downy haired child. She had been going through intensive chemotherapy and stated that her security blanket helped her get through the treatments. After reading the article, Karen Loucks decided to provide homemade security blankets to Denver’s Rocky Mountain Children’s Cancer Center, and Project Linus was born.

Who We Are
Project Linus National Headquarters is located in Belton, MO. National President Patty Gregory, and her commited staff,  directs and orchestrates the activities of Project Linus chapters located across the United States. She has been involved with the organization for several years as chapter coordinator and has now added the responsibilities of National President/Director. With chapters in all 50 states, Project Linus continues to grow, with blankets that are collected locally and distributed to children in hospitals, shelters, social service agencies, or anywhere that a child might be in need of a big hug.  Blanketeers are given an opportunity to use their talents and abilities in a most rewarding way.

Rarely a month goes by that Project Linus isn’t featured in a national magazine or program. Parade, People, Reader’s Digest, Family Circle, Ladies Home Journal, Quiltmaker, Quilters Newsletter, Guidepost, Parents Magazine, Real Simple, Woman’s Day and many others have helped to spur interest. You may have seen or heard segments about Project Linus on the NBC Nightly News, Today Show, and Oprah.

Board of Directors
Project Linus is governed by a board of directors who assist us in all aspects of the national organization. How are monetary donations used?  There are many expenses involved in maintaining Project Linus. Normal expenses for our organization are: fabric, batting, yarn, other blanket making supplies, blanket labels, printing, office supplies, shipping, accounting and auditing to name a few.

Vital Statistics
Since 1998 over 9,000,000 blankets have been created, by chapters located in all 50 states, for children in crisis all over the United States and in several countries ravaged by disasters.
courtesy of www.projectlinus.org

East Side

Sue Kelly, Chapter Coordinator
jkelly7112@aol.com / (505) 306-4365
Marshallelizabeth61@gmail.com / (505) 263-3572
csmirabal@yahoo.com / (505) 299-4916
lightbearer@outlook.com / (505) 298-5002
brandt5258@msn.com / (505) 821-5258
neisp@comcast.net / (505) 884-7172

deirdreg1014@outlook. com / (612) 791-3086

Old Town
cpiegzik@comcast.net / 505-235-4918

jmpinea1@gmail.com / (505) 350-1746

(505) 803-6088
(505) 208-1734

West Side
Linda Crowden
grammacrowden@gmail.com / (808) 280-3619

East Mountains
lazya14@gmail.com / (505) 281-4010
(505) 239-3237